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Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia - An informative source to begin your search for that special Westie.


The national West Highland White Terrier Club of America (WHWTCA) is made up of Westie fanciers around the Country. According to the American Kennel Club (AKC) the WHWTCA is the national representative for all things Westie in the United States. Their website contains great information on the Westie breed and includes a list of all of the Westie Rescue affiliates across the country.


Members of the West Highland White Terrier Club of Greater Denver (WHWTCGD) include individuals who breed Westies for conformation and the betterment of breed health, show Westies at the AKC Championships and work with Westies in agility, rally and earth dog events.These are Westie owners and those who are passionate about the Westie breed. The WHWTCGD was the original founding organization of Westie Rescue Network and its members continue to donate generously to us. 


The Humane Society website has a wealth of information on dog behavior and offer tip sheets on everything from bringing your new dog home to crate training, housetraining and what to do if your dog tangles with a skunk.


The Westie Foundation of America (WFA) is a tax exempt, non-profit 501(c) (3) corporation established in 1996. Its Mission is:

  • To advance and support medical research to benefit the health, care, breeding and quality of life of the West Highland White Terrier.
  • To further develop and communicate information regarding the health, care, breeding and quality of life of Westies to Westie owners, Westie breeders and veterinarians.
Periodic health surveys establish research priorities from which the WFA funds scientific research projects.  They operate under the management of an elected and voluntary Board of Directors and Advisory Council.


Dog Food Advisor's website contains great information on dog food recalls and choosing a good quality dog food.


Petfinder.com not only allows you to search for a pet to adopt but also contains a wealth of information to help you before and after you adopt your new family member.


The Colorado Pet Overpopulation Fund (CPOF) was created by the State legislature in 2001 to curb pet overpopulation. CPOF has significantly reduced pet overpopulation and helped shelter animals in underserved areas of our state.


The National Council for Aging Care offers a guide on Pets for Seniors


Reviews.com is a quick and accurate resource that lets you compare pet insurance companies.